Registration is closed, because we reached the 170 people competitors limit.
Registration-related rules:
1. Cancellation: If you register for the competition but you cannot come and you inform us by e-mail until the 24th of February, 2017. - 16:00, we will transfer back the 50% of the paid fee.
2. Editing registration with adding day: The same way as you paid your registration fee you need to pay the extra fee and write us an e-mail to the address until the 10th of March, 2016. - 16:00 with the events you want to add.
3. Editing registration with removing a day: Please write an e-mail to the e-mail address with the affected events and if you inform us before the 24th of February, 2017. - 16:00, we will transfer back the half of the fee.
4. Registrations without payments: The registrations without payments will be deleted after the deadline of the registration. (10th of March, 2017. - 16:00)
5. Payments without registrations or with incomplete registrations: If there will be payments without full WCA registrations after the deadline of the registration we will transfer back the 50% of the paid money to the back account the money is from.
6. Registration with WCA Accounts without connected WCA IDs: If you already have a WCA ID but you do not ask for pairing that to your WCA Account, your registration will be considered incomplete. (According to the 3. step of the Registration procedure)
7. Order of accepting registrations: We consider registration full, if the WCA registration is complete and the registration fee has been paid too. The acceptance of the registrations will be made after both of these conditions are met. The order of acceptances will be made according to the chronological order. (For example: If we have 169 accepted competitors, and you register at the WCA site as 170th, but your WCA registration is not full (for example: WCA ID is not connected to the Account) or your registration fee did not arrive yet, we will accept the first competitor in the line with full registration.)
Deadline of changing requests about the registered events and to the grouping:
10th of March, 2017. - 16:00*
Competitors, under 18 years can only compete, if they have a signed parent consent. You can find a sample here:
Parent consent