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Hungarian Nationals 2017!
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The most important criteria of the participation in the competition is the knowledge of the WCA Regulation.

You can find it on the link below:

If you know the last version of the Regulation, you can find the most important changes here:

Regulation of the venue:
  • At the venue all kind of selling needs the permission of the organizers!
  • You must not use flash at the venue!
  • You must not drink any kind of alcohol at the venue!
  • Communication with actually competing competitors is forbidden!
  • Disturbing or pulling back the competition is forbidden!
  • By entering the venue, every participant accepts the rules of the competition.

    The violation of any of the regulations (by any competitor or guest) may result in the disqualification from the whole competition.

    Helping at the competition-related roles:
  • All competitors have to help in all the events/rounds they compete in
  • Competitors will be devided into groups for all events. You will compete in one group and need to help in at least one of the others.
  • You will get your grouping for competing and for helping during the week before the competition via e-mail, you can find it taped on the walls at the competition and it will be on the back of your nametags as well.
  • In the grouping the font color (e.g. red) will mean that which part of the room you will compete/help.
  • Possible signs in the grouping:
  • Only number: (e.g. 2) You will compete in the 2nd group, at the red tables.
  • "J" letter: (e.g. 3J) You will judge in the 3rd group, at the white tables.
  • "R" letter: (e.g. 4R) You will run in the 4th group, at the red tables.
  • "S" letter: (e.g. 5S) You will scramble in the 5th group, at the white tables.
  • If we are calling your group for helping and you do not show up, you will get one strike.
  • Collecting 3 strikes will cause disqualification from the whole competition, so always pay attention which groupes are called and know which groups you have to help in.
  • If you are grouped for helping but all helping position is already reserved by someone else or you have something urgent to do, find one of the organizers and let us know, that you wanted to help when you were grouped.
  • When we need some extra help during the competition we can call anyone from the room to help us. Refusing to help might cause disqualification from the whole competition immediately.