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Hungarian Open 2015!

Start time Event Round Format Time limit Proceed
8:45 Registration        
9:00 4x4x4 Blindfolded Combined final Best of 3 (30:00 for 3 attempts) 30:00 -
9:00 5x5x5 Blindfolded Combined final Best of 3 (60:00 for 3 attempts) 60:00 -
10:30 FMC Final Mean of 3 (1. attempt) 60:00 -
11:40 7x7x7 Combined first round Mean of 3 (Best of 1 < 5:45) 10:00 6
12:40 6x6x6 Combined first round Mean of 3 (Best of 1 < 4:00) 8:00 6
13:30 Lunch        
14:00 Surprise game        
14:15 Megaminx Combined first round Average of 5 (Best of 2 < 2:00) 5:00 6
15:10 Square-1 Combined first round Average of 5 (Best of 2 < 0:50) 2:00 6
15:50 7x7x7 Final Mean of 3 8:00 -
16:10 6x6x6 Final Mean of 3 7:00 -
16:25 Megaminx Final Average of 5 5:00 -
16:45 Square-1 Final Average of 5 2:00 -
17:00 FMC Final Mean of 3 (2. attempt) 60:00 -

Start time Event Round Format Time limit Proceed
8:15 Registration        
8:30 3x3x3 Multi Blind Final Best of 2 (1. attempt) 10:00/cube -
9:30 FMC Final Mean of 3 (3. attempt) 60:00 -
10:30 Information - Hungarian        
10:40 5x5x5 Combined first round Average of 5 (Best of 2 < 2:00) 5:00 8
12:00 Pyraminx First round Average of 5 1:00 12
13:00 3x3x3 Blindfolded Combined first round Best of 3 (10:00 for 3 attempts) 10:00 8
13:40 Lunch        
14:10 Surprise Game        
14:20 Rubik's Clock Combined first round Average of 5 (Best of 2 < 0:20) 1:00 12
14:55 Skewb First round Average of 5 1:00 12
15:40 3x3x3 with feet Combined final Mean of 3 (Best of 1 < 2:30) 5:00 -
16:10 Team Blind Final Average of 5 - -
16:20 Rubik's Clock Second Round Average of 5 1:00 6
16:50 Skewb Final Average of 5 1:00 -
17:00 Pyraminx Final Average of 5 1:00 -
17:10 3x3x3 Blindfolded Final Best of 3 5:00 -
17:25 5x5x5 Final Average of 5 4:00 -
17:50 Rubik's Clock Final Average of 5 1:00 -
18:00 3x3x3 Multi Blind Final Best of 2 (2. attempt) 10:00/cube -

Saturday - Unofficial
Start time Event Round Format Time limit Proceed
8:30 Team Blind First Round Average of 5 - 4

Start time Event Round Format Time limit Proceed
7:30 Registration        
8:15 Information - Hungarian        
8:25 WCA Regulation Quiz - Hungarian        
8:30 3x3x3 First round Average of 5 10:00 100
10:30 2x2x2 First round Average of 5 1:00 60
11:40 4x4x4 Combined first round Average of 5 (Best of 2 < 1:10) 4:00 30
13:00 Lunch        
13:40 3x3x3 One-Handed Combined first round Average of 5 (Best of 2 < 0:50) 3:00 30
14:40 3x3x3 Second round Average of 5 2:00 12
15:35 2x2x2 Second round Average of 5 1:00 8
16:00 4x4x4 Second round Average of 5 2:00 8
16:40 3x3x3 One-Handed Second round Average of 5 1:00 8
17:10 Super Solve Final Best of 1 - -
17:25 4x4x4 Final Average of 5 2:00 -
17:40 3x3x3 One-Handed Final Average of 5 1:00 -
17:50 2x2x2 Final Average of 5 1:00 -
17:55 Smart Egg Final Best of 3 - -
18:00 3x3x3 Final Average of 5 1:00 -
18:45 Quiz - Hungarian        
19:00 Winning Ceremony        

Sunday - Unofficial
Start time Event Round Format Time limit Proceed
8:30 Super Solve First Round Best of 1 - 8

You can download the schedule in PDF: Schedule

Schedule can be changed according to the number of the registered competitors.