rubik Welcome to the website of the
Slovakian Open 2015
The Slovakian Open 2015 is a speedcubing competition. Anyone can participate, who is familiar with the WCA Regulation, accept it and meet the competition’s criterias.

Registration fee (paid on site):*
For competitors (1 day): 10 €
For competitors (2 days): 15 €
For competitors (3 days): 20 €

Competitors limit: 60 people

Date: 14-16. August 2015

Venue: Slovak University of Technology

Address: Pionierska 15, 831 02 Bratislava

* If you register for the competition, but don't show up (and don't let us to know before the deadline of the online registration), afterwards you can only take part at competitions organised by us, if you pay this registration fee as well.